Writer, film director, scriptwriter and… even theater director!
He uses social media, and we can tell that he does it really well, not everybody can show in live the artistic process of creating a story from beginning to the end, and that’s exactly what he did with the last of his novels.
Telling stories is his thing
We can´t forget to say that he is a big defensor of LGBTI collective.
His universe is the perfect mix of platonic love, tenderness, sex and fotolog. Sexuality is important, but not determining, because in the end, all of his stories are about love.

We’d love to know more about the creation process of an artistic work, the behind the scenes, the making of. Something that make us really curious is how much of fiction and how much of your own life is inside your works.
There’s autobiographical content in all my projects. I’ve learnt that writing is such a good therapy, and a really cheap one. Also, it helps people to feel identified when I do it.
Nowadays , if you are a public figure, normally you are exposed to social media. In your opinion, what’s the positive and the negative part of showing yourself in them?
You have to be careful. In my case it’s something good, social media helps me to be more visible, is like a new type of advertising, however there’s always some people that use to think that as they are your followers, they can do or say anything they want. Unfortunately, at some point I’ve had to block people that have been unrespectful.

Apart from empower gay’s world, we know you are thinking about open other doors and bring out stories about people that need to be heard too (other LGBTI profiles for example), could you tell us a bit more about this initiative?
I’d love to, but I don’t want that the fact of being transexual, for example, takes all the importance of the character. I mean, I’d love to include transexual, lesbian and bisexual characters in my next projects, but i don’t want it to be like something extraordinary or relevant, I don’t want the plot all around the fact of the gender identity.
For example, in my first novel “Dextrocardiaco”, the main character is gay, but that is definitely not the point that defines him, his love story does.
Now that we are talking about new projects, we actually want to know more about that unprecedented idea of writing a book “live” in instagram, because nobody made something similar before! where this idea come from?
The truth is that I’ve never seen that before as well, haha. But, to be honest, if i could come back and make it again, I’d have done it differently. It was an unusual experience that came from the idea of give more visibility to the people that are writing the books. We can be in the front cover of a magazine as well, we create the stories, and people sometimes want to know how is the creative process. With the instagram experience I tried to give this kind of information to people, even if the result wasn’t really good.

Changing the subject, what about theater? Do you think that you will do another theatre play after ‘Dextrocardiaco’?
Well, I have to say that when i finished theater I felt pretty tired. It’s really difficult to success in Madrid. There is a bunch of troubles, you have to pay for everything… so now, I would like to being part of a theatre production just as a director or as a writer. Being 100% focused on the artistic part. Now I think maybe that was the problem of Dextro… I took much responsibility, not only in the artistic part. Anyway I learnt quite a lot at that time at the Lara theatre.

And now, what are your current projects?
Look, since I was a kid I always wanted to say this, I cannot talk about it, haha. Now, not kidding, I have to keep silent about this. I only can tell you that I’m trying to work in micro-theatre plays being focused in other ways to tell stories, for example, using instagram stories as a tool, I honestly never thought that people would like it that much!

Where does your inspiration come from?
I get inspired by brave people. I find inspiration in LGBTI activists in countries like Russia or Azerbaijan, they fight for our rights in places where we are persecuted or worst things… I get also inspired by all the women that have talked against the sexism in Hollywood industry, like the most recent case of Harvey Weinstein. Street musicians inspire me as well, asd so do my parents, the always inspire me.
We’ve talked about books, theatre… and now we change to cinema! However this is not a question about your work but about your personal taste. What film would you like to be done in gay version? (knowing that most of them are straight)
As I already told you, I would like that someday, a gay character wouldn’t be such a curious thing or a thing that takes our attention, do you know what i mean? What I’m trying to say is I want it to be natural, a normal thing. I want that a love story between homosexual, transexual, lesbian or bisexual people in a movie has the same reaction as a heterosexual relationship. All the movies that I’ve watched since I’m a kid, I would love to watch them from a homosexual point of view.

Finally, and to close this wonderful interview, we want you to recommend a book, a film and plan to make the perfect LGBTI weekend.
First of all I would like to say that I don’t like to put in boxes LGBTI books or films, as I don’t think about it as a pure film genre, but let’s try to think about something!
If I think about a book, I have to talk about “ Edad perdida” of Torcuato Luca de Tena, I love it. Is not pure LGBTI as we know it, but is one of the best homoerotic novels that I’ve ever red. At the minute I’m reading “Call me by your name”, and also I can’t wait to watch the film, even knowing that is not in Spain for now.
A tv serie… obviously “Please like me”, it should be compulsory to watch this!
And if I think about a perfect plan for a LGBTI, I honestly don’t know what to say… but now that i think about it, I know that in a very short time will begin “Mamá quiero ser travesti” in Dlro, in Chueca, this is quite funny!