Seven years. Two words and nine letters. It seems not a big thing, but it actually is. These last seven years we shared cup. It’ll always been and will be our favorite one, the one we’ ll never throw away because of the affection we feel, and of course, the meaning it has for us. Anyway, the moment we were waiting has come. The cup has become small. “Paper has died” some people say. “Blogs are washed up” others think. “Art is a way of survival” Yoko Ono said. Today we kind of start again. Today is the beginning.
Beginning, one word and nine letters. It seems not too much, but is a lot.
This way is how The Paper by Cup of Couple begins.
A celebration of a new start that means a lot for us. A way to make our goals and dreams tangible and also to share it with all the friends that attended our web launching event.
Perfect endings come from perfect beginnings, and we think that there’s no better start that celebrating all of this with Loewe 001, a fragrance that talks about beginning’s magic. We have enjoyed a lot with this new start, and now let’s have fun and learn during this beautiful way