Last October 28th we were delighted to live an incredible experience with some friends in a daydream environment, Palazzo Pisani Moretta in Venice. That night was just like a dream, like coming back in time. This event took place in honor of Omega Aqua Terra watches.
We began the day with breakfast in the wonderful Danieli Hotel enjoying the very beautiful views of the city. After that,
Omega took us on a special trip to discover different and unknown places in Venice.
We really enjoyed this, because even having been already a couple of times in the city, in this trip we discovered another particular locations. The most special for us was the Damien Hirst exhibition in Palazzo Grassi, full of surprises.
Once night fell, party came. We were quite impressed by all the details of the decoration, the different rooms and classic environment that the event were involved. In such a beautiful place we had the chance and pleasure to meet Eddie Redmayne, the renowned actor and current face of the brand. Other celebrities as Pixie Lott, Jarrod Scott or David Gandy attended the event