
When in Paris

Today we are going back to Paris, even though if it is only virtual, to show you these photos which we took during fashion week. As you know, it is one of our favourite cities in the whole world and the best setting to show off our Sandro leather jacket, worn by Mike and the blue trench coat from Urban Outfitters, worn by Gabi. We are pretty sure that we will wear these pieces loads this season. Happy monday. Au revoir!

Hoy volvemos a París, aunque sea virtualmente, para enseñaros estas fotos que hicimos en la última fashion week. Como sabéis es una de nuestras ciudades favoritas del mundo y el escenario perfecto para estrenar la chupa de Sandro que lleva Mike y el trench azul de Urban Outfitters que lleva Gabi, dos de nuestras nuevas prendas que seguro vamos a utilizar muchísimo durante todo el otoño e invierno. Feliz lunes a todos. Au revoir!